In a major development, the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) on Wednesday said that it has summoned Bollywood actors Deepika Padukone, Sara Ali Khan, Shraddha Kapoor and Rakul Preeet Singh for questioning in a drug-related case. A senior NCB official related to the probe told IANS, “Summons have been issued to Deepika, Sara, Shraddha and Rakul for questioning. “Besides four Bollywood actors, the NCB has also summoned fashion designer Simone Khambatta.”
The drug law enforcement agency has also summoned Deepika’s manager Karishma Prakash for questioning on Friday. Another NCB official said that it has summoned Khambatta, Rakul and Sushant’s former manager Shruti Modi today. Deepika, along with Karishma, has been called for questioning tomorrow and Sara and Shradhha have been called on Saturday.
According to media reports, Deepika is shooting for a film in Goa these days. The development comes in the wake of the investigation into a drug-related case linked to the death of Sushant Singh Rajput.
The official said that the actors have been summoned after several alleged chats of them discussing drugs came to the fore during the investigation. The official, however, denied that it has issued any summons to Dia Mirza.
Earlier in the day, the NCB continued questioning Sushant’s talent manager Jaya Saha for the third consecutive day. Besides her, the NCB is also questioning Madhu Mantena Varma, a noted producer, who gave blockbusters such as ‘Udta Punjab’ and ‘Ghajini’.
According to NCB sources, Varma is being confronted with Saha over alleged chats of them discussing drugs