External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar on Tuesday said national security convergences have grown between India and the United States. Speaking at the joint press conference after the 2+2 meet, Jaishankar said that discussions also covered developments in “our neighbouring countries” and “we made clear that cross-border terrorism is completely unacceptable”. Jaishankar said that a multi-polar world must have a multi-polar Asia as its bases.

Noting that India is now focused on recovery, resilience and reform, Jaishankar said the two countries were also committed to creating “more trusted resilient global supply chains”. He said India welcomes the expanded partnership with the United States.

“Our national security convergences have obviously grown in a more multi-polar world. We meet today to not only advance our own interests but to ensure that our bilateral cooperation makes a positive contribution to the world arena. We are also committed to addressing together global issues ranging from the High availability disaster recovery (HADR) situation to maritime security and counter-terrorism,” he said.

“Discussions also covered developments in our neighbouring countries. We made clear that cross-border terrorism is completely unacceptable. On Afghanistan, India’s stakes in its security and stability are evident as is our willingness to contribute to international efforts to that end,” he added.

Jaishankar called for upholding the rules-based international order in the Indo-Pacific. “We reiterated the importance of peace, stability and prosperity for all countries in this region,” he said.