Central Minister and Rajasthan election in-charge Pralhad Joshi, speaking in Dharwad, Karnataka, stated that everyone, including Rajasthan’s former CM Vasundhara Raje, is in direct contact with him. He also said that it is completely untrue that there are differences of opinion in the Rajasthan BJP. Meanwhile, responding to questions about the CM, he said that a national leadership decision will be made in this regard, and everyone will be obligated to accept it.
Furthermore, Minister Joshi alleged that Congress and corruption are two sides of the same coin. He said, “Previously, there was UP(A), and now there is the I.N.D.I.A Alliance. This alliance was formed because during UP(A), a scam of more than 12 lakh crores occurred, and its brand name was ruined. Therefore, they have now created a new name, India.”
He also added that Congress is on the verge of losing its existence.