The narcotics Control bureau (NCB) has arrested 6 people in connection with actor Sushant Singh rajput (SSr) death case. The accused have been identified as Karanjeet Singh Anand, Dwayne Fernandes, Sanket Patel, Ankush Anreja, Sandeep Gupta and Aftab Fateh Ansari who were produced before the Magistrate Court via video conferencing and were later sent to custody.

Karamjeet Singh, Dwayne Fernandes and Ankush Anreja have been sent to custody till 16 September whereas Sandeep Gupta and Aftab Fateh Ansari have been sent to judicial custody till 23 September. Another accused Sanket Patel was released on bail on surety of Rs 15,000.

NCB deputy director K.P.S. Malhotra informed that these people supplied drugs to the late actor through his girlfriend Rhea Chakraborty’s brother Showik Chakraborty and others. Sources described accused Karanjeet Singh Anand as a Mumbai- based narcotics supplier, having a local distribution channel of drugs in Bollywood circles. NCB officials also recovered unspecified quantities of drugs from him. Sources also revealed that Dwayne, an associate of Showik Chakraborty was also a city-based drug dealer who used to supply drugs meant for Sushant. He was nabbed from Dadar west.

The NCB recovered half a kilo of drugs from them. An auto driver by profession. Sandeep Gupta’s main business was to ferry bulk quantities of drugs to retail peddlers like Fernandes in the current case.

Sanket Patel was also a part of the drugs distribution chain of Anand and he used to deliver drugs to various celebrities.

Another accused Ankush Anreja was nabbed from upmarket Powai area; he used to run a food stall along with selling drugs.