Amaravati: Telugu Desam Party (TDP) national general secretary and MLC Nara Lokesh extended his warm greetings to the sarpanches and ward members during their swearing-in on Sunday in panchayat villages across the state. Lokesh lauded and reminded that the sarpanches would not be at the mercy of anybody as they have fought the elections and got elected. By doing so, the sarpanches rejected and fought against the fascist selection style leadership of CM Jagan Reddy in the name of unanimous results.

In a statement here, the TDP MLC called upon the sarpanches to continue their fight against the GO No. 2 that was brought illegally by the YSRCP regime in order to deny their powers and responsibilities. There was no need for them to surrender to the ruling party leaders’ threats. The 73rd and 74th amendments to the constitution have given lot of powers to the sarpanches for the betterment of the local bodies.

Lokesh said that the sarpanches were for villages like the Chief Minister and the Prime Minister were for the state and the country. They need not bend their heads under pressure from anybody. They should keep in mind how the Central funds would come directly to the panchayats without having to depend on any intermediaries. With these funds, the sarpanches would be able to bring in a lot of development for the well being of the local people.

Condemning the GO 2, Nara Lokesh said that it was high time for the sarpanches to assert their rights, powers and responsibilities. The constitution has guaranteed these powers which nobody would be able to take away from them. The Chief Minister, who had no faith in the local self-government, had brought in the GO 2 to diminish the role of the sarpanches in the village administration.

Mr. Lokesh urged the elected sarpanches to utilise the funds for the greater development of their respective villages. Thereby, they would be able to get more goodwill among the people.