During his Jodhpur visit, Central Minister of Water Resources Gajendra Singh Shekhawat met with party workers on Sunday. At the same time, he discussed various organisational issues related to the upcoming Assembly elections. He said in the press conference that BJP’s national president J.P. Nadda will visit Jodhpur. Nadda will hold separate district-wise meetings with party workers and provide the victory mantra for the upcoming Assembly elections.
In response to questions about sending notices in the Sanjivani case on behalf of SOG, Central Minister Shekhawat said that it is a “humorous matter.” Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot has repeatedly accused him in the Sanjivani case, but for the first time, he has been served a notice regarding providing information about the accounts. He said that he has already represented the SOG twice in this regard with detailed information, but despite that, this notice has been given.
Gajendra Singh Shekhawat said that when it comes to contesting the Assembly elections, as a party worker, he will accept whatever orders the party gives.
He said that if the party tells him to contest the Assembly elections, he will contest them. He added that if the party tells him to contest the parliamentary elections, he will contest the parliamentary elections, and if the organisation asks him to work, he is ready to work in the organization. He said that the second list of BJP has not yet been released, and the first list of Congress has not even come out yet. BJP’s second list will be released soon.