Bollywood diva Sushmita Sen recently took to her official Instagram handle to wish her daughter Reene on her 24th birthday sharing some beautiful pictures of her. Along with the pictures, she wrote, “Happpyyyyyy Birthday My First Love!!! Today my baby turns as old as I was, when I had her!!! I look on with great love & pride as she grows into this incredible person…one I can still hear saying “you are my destiny” We love you Shona @reneesen47  Here’s to your happiness always!!! #duggadugga #Alisah #Maa #partytime.”

Take a look at Sushmita Sen’s Instagram post

Previously, in a conversation with Humans of Bombay, the actress was asked if she seeks validation from others. Sushmita said, “So the idea that I have been able to find happiness in this space is because I am also built that way. I believe in… nothing in life is more important than my freedom… very important to me. My freedom to be who I am, to choose the voice I want to speak with…” The actress also emphasized the importance of self-love. She added, “There is that self-love that I speak of… is on a cellular level.”



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