Supreme Court judge Justice Arun Mishra has turned down the invitation by Supreme Court Bar Association and Confederation of Indian Bar for a farewell function to be organised ahead of his retirement on 2 September.

“My conscience doesn›t permit me to participate any farewell function, due to Covid-19 pandemic,” Justice Mishra Said. In identical regret letters to both lawyer bodies, Justice Mishra said he considers bar as the “mother of judiciary” and promises to visit the two associations when situation normalises to pay his respect to the bar.

Communicating this decision through a letter, Justice Mishra stated: “I have always considered the Bar as the mother of the judiciary, and it would have been a great pleasure to attend the said function. However, taking into consideration the severe situation and sufferings the world over on account of the Covid-19 pandemic, my conscience does not permit me to participate in any farewell function. I may, therefore, be excused.”