Bollywood star Rani Mukerji completes 25 years in the Indian film industry this year. Her incredibly successful career is punctuated by stellar, award-winning performances, and Rani has surely given Indian cinema some of the most iconic and powerful on-screen performances. For the huge icon of Indian cinema, her 25 year journey has been about constant learning.

Rani says, “My biggest learning has been to keep learning. For an artist, learning never stops. My biggest learning has been to just focus on work and continue to do that with utmost sincerity.”

She credits the support of her fans to be a huge pillar of strength. “Without my fans, I would not have been able to survive, especially with the kind of prejudices a married actress with a baby has to go through. The fact that they have supported me throughout is nothing short of a miracle and that’s why I’m still working and doing relevant work,” asserts Rani.

Talking about her miracle run at the box office with her huge blockbusters and her epic performances, she says, “When I think of the number of years, it seems like a very long time but for me, it just seems like my journey has never stopped. It’s just gone on and on since the day I was 16 and started working. Now, 25 years feels the same as the struggle continues, learning is still on as an actor. There is a lot that I have to accomplish and have a lot to learn.”

The actress adds, “The more experience I have with different directors, technicians, and co-stars, I get to learn a lot. It still feels nice and I am raring to go because with each film, I discover a new me and I love telling stories – important stories, stories of powerful women.”

Rani will be next seen in the highly anticipated ‘Bunty Aur Babli 2’, and ‘Mrs Chatterjee vs Norway’, a true story that sees her take on a country for her family.