After Draupadi Murmu, a presidential candidate backed by the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) arrived Chandigarh, she appealed for support in her favour, saying that Haryana is the land of heroes and martyrs as well as the site of Shrimad Bhagvad Gita. This state has left an indelible mark in every field. NDA has made its policy clear by making a tribal woman the candidate for the post of president, said Murmu. She said that as a tribal woman she never thought that she would be made a candidate for this post. Prime Minister, Narendra Modi has proved the slogan of “Sabka Saath Sabka Vishwas” by nominating her as candidate for the highest post of the country. She said, «I have worked for women, poor, tribals. Whatever challenges have come in life, I have accepted it and have always tried to do my best.» Murmu said that she was always ready to work for the country. She hoped that apart from BJP and JJP, independent candidates too will support her in Haryana, alongwith support from MLAs and MPs of other parties as well.