A team of forensic experts of Mumbai Police investigating the murder of 19-year-old Jhanvi Kukreja will reconstruct the crime scene to nail the accused, sources said. Jhanvi was allegedly killed by her friends at a New Year’s Eve party that was being held at a high-rise building in Mumbai’s Khar West area. The two friends have been sent to police custody till 7 January.

Sources said that since there are no direct eyewitnesses in this case, the cops will mainly focus on circumstantial evidence to nail the accused. The police sources said that forensic experts will conduct crime scene reconstruction. The two accused—Shree Jogdhankar and Diya Padanka—and other witnesses (Jhanvi’s friends) who were present at the party will be part of the reconstruction.

A police officer said, “Only Jhanvi and the accused know what happened on the staircase. Jhanvi is dead while two other accused can’t be relied on, so the reconstruction of the murder scene is important under the presence of others.” Police officials further added that Jhanvi was allegedly brutally assaulted by the accused Shree and from the 5th floor the fight reached the second floor. Here Jhanvi’s head was banged on the railing of the staircase.

The cops suspect the accused might have dragged Jhanvi to the ground floor or thrown her from the second floor to the ground floor. As per cops all the people in the party had consumed alcohol. We spoke to Jhanvi’s mother Nidhi Kukreja and according to her this is a pre-planned murder. Also, when asked about the contradictory statements of the alleged accused, she said that they are lying and they will be punished. “Today people are questioning my daughter Jhanvi. Why is no one questioning Shree and Diya? They took my daughter’s responsibility and took our permission to take her [to the party] but failed to protect her. Today Jhanvi is no more, she is gone. She deserves this much respect and justice. Nothing can justify murder,” said Nidhi.

Meanwhile, in the incident, Shree fractured his ribs and suffered injuries on his hands. He is currently admitted to the hospital. Once discharged, cops will take him under custody.