In a big development in the Sushant Singh Rajput death case, Mumbai Police is all set to question filmmaker Karan Johar this week. Johar and Dharma productions CEO Apoorva Mehta have been told by the police to submit all the documents related to the film Drive. According to police sources, the police can close the file of Sushant Singh Rajput case after interrogating the filmmaker who has been alleged of sidelining “outsiders” like Sushant at the cost of “star kids”.
In the meantime, cops also grilled producer and director Mahesh Bhatt about his involvement with the late actor. In the interrogation which lasted for more than 2 hours 40 minutes, Bhatt revealed that he met Sushant twice in 2018 and 2020 and denied charges being levelled against him.
Bhatt told the cops that in 2018, he had a discussion on his book with Sushant and he never thought of roping in the actor in his upcoming film Sadak 2. He also told the police that he never told Sushant’s girlfriend Rhea Chakraborty to leave the late actor. Defending himself against the mounting social media allegations and pressure, he informed that he had met Sushant in private at his Bandra residence earlier this year where Rhea was also present.
The police have also revealed that till now they’ve not felt anything fishy in this case and are still considering this to be a case of suicide. So far, the cops have recorded statements of 38 people in this case but Sushant’s fans are still not convinced with the ongoing investigations and are running social media campaigns for a CBI inquiry.
Meanwhile, Partha Pawar, son of Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar, on Monday also demanded state’s Home Minister Anil Deshmukh to get this case investigated by the CBI. Deshmukh had previously said that the Mumbai Police was doing a good job, and there was no need for a CBI inquiry.
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