The Mumbai police have arrested a 35-year-old DJ following a formal complaint lodged by a 31-year-old Mexican woman, who also serves as his manager. The arrest unveils a distressing narrative of abuse spanning multiple years, highlighting not only a breach of trust but also raising concerns about the safety and security of women in the workplace.
As per the survivor’s account, the accused, who doubles as her manager, initiated contact through social media in 2017. The traumatic incidents began in July 2019 when she was sexually assaulted at the accused’s residence in Bandra. Subsequently, the assailant continued to subject her to repeated instances of rape, creating an atmosphere of perpetual fear.

The survivor, in her statement, disclosed the reprehensible tactics employed by the accused to coerce compliance. Exploiting his position, he threatened to jeopardize her professional assignments if she resisted his advances. Additionally, the accused resorted to blackmail, utilizing intimate pictures of the survivor for psychological manipulation. Even after the accused’s marriage to another woman in 2020, the survivor’s torment persisted. Shockingly, he continued sending inappropriate messages and making explicit demands and escalating the harassment to an egregious level.

Legal actions : Prompted by the survivor’s courageous disclosure, the Mumbai police have taken prompt action, filing charges under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code, including 376 (rape), 377 (unnatural sex), 354 (assault or criminal force on a woman with intent to outrage her modesty), and 506 (criminal intimidation).