The upcoming coronation of King Charles III has been the talk of the town lately, with several celebrities including Bollywood actor Sonam Kapoor and American singer-songwriter Lionel Richie on the guest list. The Mumbai Dabbawalas have also prepared gifts for the King, as seen in a video online where they were shopping for Puneri Pagadi (headgear) and Uparne (stoles) to present to him.
The British Consulate and British Embassy had sent invitations to the Dabbawalas, who have had good relations with British royalty in the past.
Vishnu Kaldoke, spokesperson for the Mumbai Dabbawalas, mentioned in a short interview clip that two dabbawalas were invited to King Charles III’s wedding, which was an honor for them. As he is about to become the King, they wanted to present him with a Puneri Pagadi and a shawl of the Warkari community as a gesture of respect.