Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde announced on Monday that the Mumbai coastal road, stretching from the Princess Street flyover to the Worli end of the Bandra- Worli Sea Link, is anticipated to be finalized by May 2024. Addressing concerns during the winter session of the state legislature, CM Shinde clarified that the rise in the coastal road project’s cost is not linked to delays in its execution but rather to alterations in its alignment.

These changes were implemented in response to requests from Worli fishermen, aiming to enhance the distance between the two ends for smoother navigation of their fishing boats. Responding to queries posed by Opposition legislators Anil Parab and Satyajeet Tambe in the Legislative Council, CM Shinde affirmed that the project is progressing rapidly, with the road scheduled to open by May 31.

He did not specify whether the coastal road would feature toll gates. Commencing in October 2018, the Mumbai coastal road project faced delays due to various court orders, the COVID-19 pandemic, and local protests. The increased project cost is primarily attributed to the elevated goods and services tax imposed by the Centre and additional tasks, such as the proposed 120-metre waterway, according to the written reply.

The contract duration and fees of the appointed general consultant extended due to additional responsibilities, including scrutinizing waterway plans, supervising the integrated centralized control center, and acting as a consultant for beautification efforts. The project aims to provide excel lent public transport facilities, firefighting capabilities, and a dedicated route for ambulances. Additionally, the response outlined that the coastal road at Worli will be linked to the Bandra-Worli Sea Link through the construction of a bridge.