A chilling incident has unfolded in Nalasopara, Palghar district, where a 10-year-old girl was brutally gang-raped while returning home from the Ganesh Utsav celebrations. The two perpetrators have been apprehended by the Achole police.
The minor girl, a resident of Shirdinagar in Nalasopara East, had gone out to witness the arrival of the Ganesh idol in her neighbourhood. On her way back, she was accosted by two unidentified men near her home. They forced her to a secluded spot and subjected her to a horrific sexual assault, leaving her traumatizsed and physically injured.
The girl’s family discovered the horrifying ordeal when they noticed her clothes stained with blood and her distressed state. After questioning her, they learned of the heinous crime and immediately reported the incident to the Achole police station.
Also read: 14-year-old Dalit girl was gang-raped by two and bricked
Acting swiftly, the police registered a case and launched an investigation. Through diligent efforts, they were able to identify and arrest the two suspects.
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