Congress MP Shaktisinh Gohil on Tuesday moved a breach of privilege notice against Leader of the House in Rajya Sabha Piyush Goyal for making allegations against a Lok Sabha member in the house. On Monday, Goyal, without naming Rahul Gandhi, said that one of the leaders from the opposition party spoke against India’s judiciary, army, and media in the UK. Goyal termed Gandhi’s statements during his visit to the UK as a murder of India’s democracy and demanded that the leader (Rahul Gandhi) should apologize in Parliament.
“It is unfortunate that from the soil of London, questions are being raised about Indian democracy,” Goyal had said. Leader of Opposition in the Rajya Sabha Mallikarjun Kharge had said that “it is wrong to comment on someone who is not a member of this house.” Members of both the Treasury and opposition benches raised slogans, leading the Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar to declare adjournment of the Upper House of Parliament till 2 pm yesterday.
Meanwhile, on Tuesday, Congress MPs Naseer Hussain, Pramod Tiwari, and Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) Rajya Sabha MP K. Keshav Rao gave notices under rule 267 to suspend the proceedings of the House and discuss the “failure of the government in constituting the JPC in the Adani financial fraud case”. The concerned report from US-based short-seller firm Hindenburg Research surfaced on 24 January, claiming that the Adani Group had weak business fundamentals and was involved in stock manipulation and accounting fraud, among others.
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