At the Bhagwan Shri Parshuram Janmotsav Samaroh organised by the All India Saraswat Brahmin Sabha and Dharamshala, Rajya Sabha MP Kartikeya Sharma emphasised the importance of unity among the 36 Brahmin brotherhoods. He encouraged moving forward as a united society in order to achieve progress for the state and the nation. During his speech, Sharma praised Chief Minister Manohar Lal for his commitment to the prosperity and progress of society. He noted that the Chief Minister had approved 10 of the 13 demands presented during the Parshuram Mahakumbh event in December. Three demands have been fulfilled, and the remaining seven are in progress.

The event was held under the guidance of Shri Shri 1008 Rudrapuri Ji Maharaj Chaitanya Puri Ji Maharaj, who also addressed the gathering. The program featured various performances, including a song about Kartikeya Sharma, and the recitation of a poem by a young girl in his honour. During the program, MP Kartikeya Sharma announced the installation of a 50 KV solar system for the Sabha in Dharamshala. He also promised to take positive steps to meet the demand for land to build a Dharamshala in Haridwar by discussing the issue with the Chief Minister. Notable attendees at the event included Thanesar MLA Subhash Sudha, National President Narendra Sharma Nindi, State President Kuldeep Sharma Goldy, District President Vipin Sharma, and many others representing various organisations and societies.

In a separate event, MP Kartik Sharma visited the Geeta Gyan Sansthanam, where he received blessings from Geeta Manishi Swami Gyananand Maharaj and learned about the organisation’s activities related to the Shrimad Bhagavad Gita.