Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan on Wednesday held a meeting with Union Minister Narendra Singh Tomar from Delhi, ACS Irrigation and ACS Home from Bhopal, the Chief Medical Officer and all officials of the three rainfall-affected districts. “As water levels may rise by 1-1.25m in Morena tomorrow, water levels in Shivpuri’s Parvati river have started decreasing while Chambal is stable, we now have a scientific assessment that can tell the areas getting affected as per the increase in water levels,” Chouhan said “Keeping that in mind, we’ve started rescue work by evacuating the citizens in low-lying areas. NDRF and SDRF are stationing us to support the local administration. If needed, we will also provide helicopters for rescue. We’re making necessary arrangements in relief camps, “he added.
Earlier on Tuesday, heavy rainfall continued to hit parts of Madhya Pradesh, and the people of the state continued to face difficulties and bear damage to public properties. In central and east Madhya Pradesh, it was raining heavily on Tuesday. Teams of the National Disaster Response Force and State Disaster Response Force were deployed in the rain and flood-affected areas. Earlier on Tuesday, the State Disaster Emergency Response Force (SDERF) and National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) together rescued over 400 people from floods and excess rain in the state. The following number of people from floods/excess rain: Vidisha (190), Rajgarh (103), Ashoknagar (94), Raisen (7), Jabalpur (5), Mandla (3), Sidhi (2), Guna (3). Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj S Chouhan had reviewed situations in rain-affected districts of the state and stated that assistance will be given by sending helicopters to Vidisha if needed. Chouhan had said, “The people of 10 flood-affected villages from Vidisha and Guna districts will be airlifted using two helicopters. “NDRF and SDRF teams are deployed for rescue operations in the rain and flood-affected districts of the state.” Later, the CM reviewed the flood situation in the Vidisha district.