New Delhi: Motorola is reportedly working on a new flagship device codenamed ‘Nio’ powered by the Snapdragon 865 and it will likely arrive next year. The Snapdragon 865 chip at the heart of Motorola’s new flagship will be paired with 8GB RAM and 128GB of onboard storage, reports news portal Gizbot. The display will have an FHD+ resolution and we expect the panel to have at least 90Hz of refresh rate. The phone may flaunt a triple camera setup on the back consisting of a 64MP sensor with a wide-angle lens, a 16MP sensor with an ultra-wide-angle lens, and a 2MP depth sensor. On the front, it will sport a dual-camera setup, which will include a 16 MP sensor with a wide-angle lens and an 8MP ultra-wide-angle lens. Other features include dual-SIM support and Android 11 straight out of the box.
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