After an argument on Sunday night, a driver was found dragging a person from Delhi’s Ashram Chowk to Nizamuddin Dargah on the bonnet of his car, according to police. This is a chilling reminder of the Khanjawala hit-and-run incident in the capital.
The incident took place at 11pm on Sunday when the accused allegedly drove for about 2 kms with the person hanging on to the bonnet of his vehicle. Police said an FIR was registered in the matter at Sunlight Colony police station and the accused was arrested.
“Following an argument on the Ashram flyover, the man behind the wheel of the SUV drove for about 2kms. with the other person hanging to the bonnet of the vehicle,” an officer of Delhi Police said.
Police have registered an FIR under IPC sections of rash driving and endangering life by negligence.
“Around 11 pm last night, a person was seen hanging on the bonnet, after which Head Constable Natwar Singh and Constable Manish, who were on PCR duty at the time, rescued the person being dragged on the bonnet and handed over to the accused to the local police,” the officer added.
The victim, identified as Chetan, claimed he was dragged on the car’s bonnet after he stood in front of the accused’s car following an argument.