Haryana Police nabbed Bajrang Dal member Mohit Yadav, alias Monu Manesar, on Tuesday after he was suspected of inciting P violence in Nuh recently. Monu Manesar was seen on CCTV by a local shopkeeper before being apprehended by police. A cow vigilante named Monu Manesar is also wanted by Rajasthan Police in connection with a lynching case. Meanwhile, Bharatpur SP Mridul Kachawa stated that Rajasthan Police received information about Monu Manesar’s detention and is conducting additional investigations.

Bharatpur SP Mridul Kachawa said, “We have received information that Haryana Police has detained Monu Manesar, who is wanted in Nasir and Junaid (lynching) case. Haryana Police is carrying out its further procedure and our officers are in contact with them. When their procedure is completed, (our) District Police will begin theirs.”

The Haryana Police Crime Investigative Agency detained Monu Manesar when he was on his way to a market in Manesar. Police officers arrived in Bolero and Creta and arrested Manesar. Rajasthan police authorities are also in contact with Haryana police. He was held for a case that was filed in February of this year.