Bollywood actress Ileana D’Cruz recently revealed the news about her first pregnancy. Since then, the mom-to-be has been sharing glimpses of her baby bump and revealing how she is embracing motherhood. Speaking of which, yesterday, she started a question-answer section on her official Instagram handle wherein her fans and followers asked her about her pregnancy cravings and weight gain.
One of her fans asked her about her weirdest pregnancy cravings to which the mom-to-be replied ‘mini carrots straight out of the bag’. Another fan asked her, what are you craving for the most ice cream or Pizza? Ileana replied that she is craving for good Indian food. Further, she added that has not had Butter Chicken and Naan in a while and that she misses Bombay food. A third fan asked her if she is worried about the weight gain, the mom-to-be admitted that this question would initially trigger her. Further, she added, “I have loved how my body has changed these past few months. It’s such a miraculous wondrous humbling journey.”
For those unaware, the actress has still kept it a mystery as to who is the father of her baby. Previously, she shared a blurred picture with her man and also wrote a long appreciation post.
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