Actor Mohit Raina, who is known for portraying Lord Shiva in ‘Devon Ke Dev Mahadev’, on Saturday surprised fans by sharing pictures from his intimate wedding ceremony. Mohit took to his Instagram handle and posted a series of pictures from his wedding day that also featured the bride, Aditi. Captioning the post, he wrote, “Love recognises no barriers, it jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination, full of hope. With that hope and the blessings of our parents, we are no longer two but one. Need all your love and blessing in this new journey. Aditi and Mohit.”
The photos from their marriage ceremony showed Mohit dressed in a white sherwani paired with a white turban. Meanwhile, Aditi donned a yellow lehenga for her wedding. The comments section of Mohit’s post was filled up with congratulatory messages from fans and friends. Apart from his role in ‘Devon Ke Dev Mahadev’, the actor has also worked in films including ‘Uri: The Surgical Strike’ and ‘Shiddat’. He was also recently seen in ‘Mumbai Diaries 26/11’.
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