Giving the slogan of “one earth, many efforts” to the world for making the environment better, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday said India stands ready to support any effort for a better environment and to further global wellness.
PM Modi launched the global initiative Lifestyle for Environment (LiFE) Movement and called for lifestyles that are in tune with the planet and do not harm it and said those with such a lifestyle are known as “pro-planet people”. He stressed the need of the hour to solve the challenge faced by our planet using human-centric, collective efforts and robust action that further sustainable development.
“Our planet’s challenges are well-known to all of us. The need of the hour is human-centric, collective efforts and robust actions that further sustainable development,” he said. He said that the Indians have been able to do many good things for the environment in the country. The Prime Minister said that thanks to 1.3 billion Indians in the country he was able to do many good things for the environment in our country.
He added that India’s forest cover is increasing and so is the population of lions, tigers, leopards, elephants and rhinos.
“Our commitment to reach 40 per cent of installed electric capacity from non-fossil-fuel-based sources has been achieved, nine years ahead of schedule. About 370 million LED bulbs have been distributed in the last few years. This has contributed to energy savings of about 50 billion units of electricity per year. It has also ensured a reduction of almost 40 million tonnes of carbon dioxide per year. We have achieved 10 per cent ethanol blending in petrol, 5 months ahead of the November 2022 target. This is a major accomplishment given that blending was hardly 1.5 per cent in 2013-14 and 5 per cent in 2019-20,” said the Prime Minister.
“These have enhanced India’s energy security, and reduced crude bill import by more than 5.5 billion dollars. It has also reduced carbon dioxide emission by 2.7 million tonnes and it has increased income of farmers by almost 5.5 billion dollars,” he added.
PM Modi said that the Government of India has a very high focus on the development of Renewable energy.
“The way ahead is all about innovation and openness. At every level let us encourage innovators to focus on suitable development. Technology can be a great supporter to achieve this. When technology and tradition meet, the vision of life will be taken further,” he said.
Urging academic researchers and dynamic start-ups to think about innovation, PM Modi said, “I especially urge those in the academic researches and dynamic startups to think about this. Their youthful energy is exactly what the world needs at this crucial time. We should also be open to sharing our best practices and learning from best practices from others.”
He added that the vision of LiFE is to live a lifestyle that is in tune with our planet and does not harm it. And those who live such a lifestyle are called “Pro-Planet People”.
PM Modi said mission LiFE borrows from the past, operates in the present and focuses on the future. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle are the concepts woven into our life. The Circular Economy has been an integral part of our culture and lifestyle.PRAISE FOR PM’S INITIATIVE
I congratulate PM Modi for taking the lead in this global initiative of citizen action to promote pro climate behaviours. Necessity for collective global action to address climate change has never been greater and India’s role and leadership are crucial to ensure that we reach our climate goals.
I welcome the launch by the Prime Minister Modi on LIFE movement on World Environment day, because every person and every country needs to lead for the planet. With more than 1 billion people and home to a thriving generation of innovators and entrepreneurship, India is central to global environmental action.
Great privilege to join PM and other distinguished guests for the launch of lifestyle for environment global call for ideas and papers on world environment day.
Countries like India are serving as kinetic energy behind decisive climate action on the world stage.
I can’t overemphasise the Prime Minister the importance you gave to bring people to the movement. Prime Minister has very correctly said thoughtful utilisation of resources.
It will be the development and growth story of the 21st century. Both raising living standards across the whole community and, in your words, saving the future of our future generations. India’s special position in the world profoundly influences what others do.
In honour of PM Modi’s focus on Lifestyle for environment and his call for papers, I am guided to the ancient texts of India and enlightened by their great respect for the natural world and environment.