With the Lok Sabha polls on the horizon, political parties in Maharashtra are on toes with the strategy to jump in the fray. Politics in Maharashtra is passing through a critical situation with Assembly Speaker Rahul Narwekar’s disqualification pleas’ hearing against Chief Minister Eknath Shinde and 16 MLAs of his camp.
Maharashtra Nav Nirman Sena Chief Raj Thackeray has called a meeting of his party leadership in Mumbai on Monday to discuss the strategy as to which way to swing and support.
Speaking to TDG, senior MNS leader Bala Nandgaonkar said that this meeting is to assess the situation in the state and the entry of BRS in Maharashtra which is looking for a strong partner.
MNS has identified 20 Lok Sabha seats of Maharashtra for which 20 observers have been appointed. The review will also be done of MNS presence. Observers have been asked to come with the presentation.
Raj Thackeray feels that with the current political situation in the state, MNS can once again make an entry and regain the lost ground in the state.
Sources say joining hands with Uddhav Thackeray Sena may crop up during the day-long crucial meet of the party.
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