Mandal Vidhan Sabha MLA Udaylal Bhadana, addressing an event during the ongoing “Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra,” voiced his concerns over escalating crime and hooliganism in the state. Bhadana declared, “I will make all the goons in Bhilwara sit at home, whether they are my brothers, relatives, or from the Gujjar community. The government has instructed the police administration that if anyone engages in hooliganism, either put them in jail or shoot them or encounter them.”
The BJP MLA emphasised the government’s stance on taking robust measures against hooliganism, asserting, “The BJP government has told the police administration that whoever indulges in hooliganism, put them in jail. If they still don’t listen, then shoot them or encounter them, whether they belong to my community or even if they are my brothers.” A new department under Dinesh MN, ADG (Crime), has been established for this purpose.
During a public meeting in Rajiya village on Saturday as part of the “Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra,” Bhadana outlined the government’s initiatives, stating, “As soon as the government came, five new laws were made. Among them, a department was created under Dinesh MN ji to take care of the goons and mafia.” He concluded by urging hooligans to realize that their time was up and encouraged them to serve the public and contribute positively. The video of Bhadana’s statement has gained traction on social media.
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