Actor Rasika Dugal on Monday shared a glimpse from the dubbing session of her upcoming highly anticipated third season of ‘Mirzapur’. Taking to Instagram, Rasika announced the commencement of the dubbing process for Mirzapur 3, hinting at the series progressing towards its final stages of post-production.

In the picture, Rasika can be seen carrying an intense look while dressed in her comfy casual outfit.

Sharing the picture, she wrote, “Pirpared rahiyega. #DubbingDays #Dubbing #MirzapurSeason3.”

Portraying the complex character of Beena Tripathi, the wife of King of Mirzapur, Kaleen Bhaiyya, Rasika Dugal has showcased her exceptional acting prowess and received accolades for her performance in the previous seasons.

The shoot for Mirzapur 3 wrapped up successfully a few months ago, adding to the mounting anticipation among fans.

‘Mirzapur’ is the story of Kaleen Bhaiyya, the King Of Mirzapur vs the Pandit Brothers, Guddu, and Bablu. What initially begins as a battle for power, leading to the throne of Mirzapur, eventually shapes the destiny of the city, influencing its business and its politics.

The web series was released on November 16, 2018.

Appreciated by fans and critics alike for its gripping storyline and phenomenal performances, the previous season of ‘Mirzapur’ had taken the unmatched fandom of the show several notches higher.

The second season not only recorded one of the highest completion rates but remarkably almost half of the viewers who completed the series, binge-watched the second season within just 48 hours of its launch, setting a new benchmark.

With an ensemble cast featuring Pankaj Tripathi, Ali Fazal, Divyenndu Sharma, Rasika Dugal, Harshita Shekhar Gaur, and Vikrant Massey in the lead roles, the show continues to receive massive appreciation and viewership from across the world.

Apart from this, she will be seen in ‘Spike: Sports Drama,’ Anshuman Jha’s directorial ‘Lord Curzon Ki Haveli: Black Comedy Thriller’.

Rasika also has ‘Fairy Folk: Improv Comedy,’ and ‘Little Thomas: Dramedy’ in her kitty.