Minister Balbir Singh convened a session with high-ranking health department personnel. Dr. Balbir Singh, Punjab’s Health Minister, presided over the gathering at the nearby circuit house, focusing on elevating healthcare provisions in Ludhiana district. Attending were Deputy Commissioner Dr. Harjinder Singh, Ludhiana’s Civil Surgeon Dr. Jasbir Singh Alkh, SMOs, and other health department senior executives.

While chairing the meeting, Cabinet Minister Dr. Balbir Singh mentioned that the Punjab government, under the leadership of Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann, is committed to providing quality healthcare facilities to the people. As part of this commitment, hospitals at the district and sub-division levels are being upgraded. He mentioned the imminent recruitment of 1300 additional doctors to address the shortage and the provision of facilities like X-rays and ultrasounds in government hospitals, along with the expansion of basic infrastructure.

He further outlined that by February 15, 2024, around 280 types of medicines will be available in all government hospitals, with nearly 190 types being made available in January itself. He emphasized that all necessary medications will be provided within hospital premises, eliminating the need for patients to procure medicines externally.
Dr. Balbir Singh also highlighted the establishment of the Chief Minister’s Patient Welfare Committee at district, sub-division, and hospital levels, inclusive of MLAs, civil surgeons, SMOs, program officers, and representatives from non-governmental organizations.

He informed about approximately 75 people’s clinics providing regular healthcare facilities in Ludhiana district, with plans to dedicate about 20 more clinics to serve the public. He added that around 70 specialist doctors are available in Ludhiana district and services of approximately 16 students from various nursing colleges will be availed to assist in providing healthcare to patients visiting government hospitals.

During the meeting, he stressed the need for a special focus on maintaining cleanliness in government hospitals and addressed queries from journalists, mentioning the seriousness of the health department regarding new variants of COVID-19. He urged citizens to wear face masks and advised those with underlying health conditions to wear masks, especially at crowded events like weddings or gatherings.”