In a significant stride towards ensuring healthcare for all, Haryana Chief Minister, Manohar Lal has successfully implemented the Ayushman-Chirayu Haryana Yojana. Through this scheme, nearly half of the state’s population is now eligible for free medical treatment up to Rs. 5 lakh in both government and private hospitals. The scheme has already issued over 1.03 crore Ayushman-Chirayu cards, encompassing 74, 33,548 Chirayu cards and 28, 89,000 Ayushman cards, bringing quality healthcare within their reach.
This visionary scheme, an extension of Pradhan Mantri Ayushman Bharat Jan Arogya Yojana, has become a beacon of health and hope for the people of the state. The Scheme, launched to bridge the healthcare gap, has reached new milestones, transforming the lives of the people of the state.
Originally, the Ayushman Bharat scheme covered families with an annual income of Rs 1.20 lakh, based on the SECC-2011 data. Recognizing the need for inclusivity, the Manohar Lal-led Government expanded the scope through the Chirayu Haryana Yojana, raising the annual income limit to Rs. 1.80 lakh. Thereby, more than 28 lakh families in the state benefited from this expansion.
Taking this a step further, the Chief Minister has now expanded the scope of the Chirayu Haryana Yojana by raising the annual income limit from Rs 1.80 lakh to Rs. 3 lakh. This move ensures that even families with moderate incomes can access healthcare benefits, preventing economically disadvantaged families from being deprived of treatment for serious illnesses. Such families can avail themselves of the scheme by paying an annual premium of Rs. 1500. Approximately 8 lakh families with incomes ranging from Rs. 1.80 lakh to Rs. 3 lakh are now eligible for the scheme, raising the total number of beneficiaries under Ayushman Bharat and Chirayu Haryana to nearly 38 lakh.
The registration process launched on Haryana Day, marked a turning point in the lives of families with incomes between Rs 1.80 lakh to Rs 3 lakh. The response was overwhelming, with 39,534 families registering in the first phase. Remarkably, more than 9,700 families paid the premium through the portal from November 5, 2023, to December 31, 2023, ensuring immediate access to healthcare benefits from January 1, 2024, for one year
Welcoming the New Year, the Chief Minister bestowed a special gift upon Asha workers, HKRNL, and NHM employees, and other categories, recognizing their tireless efforts in the healthcare sector.
As of January 1, 2024, 4754 Asha workers, who earn an annual income of Rs. 1.80 lakh, and 24,051 HKRNL employees, not covered under ESI and other such schemes, will now be eligible for the scheme. Additionally, 7814 contractual employees of the NHM will also benefit from the Ayushman-Chirayu Haryana Yojana. All these categories will give an annual contribution of Rs.1500 per family to avail the scheme benefits.
Beneficiaries can easily register to get their Ayushman-Chirayu cards online at or visit their nearest Common Service Centers or PMAM counters in public hospitals. Notably, the Chirayu Haryana Yojana stands tall as a model for inclusive and accessible healthcare. Through strategic expansions, compassionate inclusions, and a commitment to simplicity, Chief Minister, Manohar Lal’s vision is translating into a reality where health is not a privilege but a fundamental right for every resident of Haryana. As the scheme continues to evolve, it serves as a testament to the transformative power of visionary leadership and the positive impact it can have on the lives of the people of the state.