New Delhi: Micromax gearing up to launch a new smartphone in the Indian market. The company has shared an invite to the launch event on its website. The invite reveals that it is all set to launch the In1 on 19 March. Micromax will live stream the launch event on at 12 PM local time on 19 March. The company had made a comeback in the smartphone market in November with the Micromax In Note 1, the In 1B. Micromax co-founder Rahul Sharma had confirmed earlier that the company will soon launch a 5G phone. He revealed that the engineers working at Micromax’s Bengaluru research and development center working on a 5G phone. Sharma had hinted that the smartphone could be launched somewhere in April. We do not know if he was referring to the in1 or not. If this turns out to be true, the in1 would come with 5G support. But since Micromax has not shared any specifications of its upcoming device, it would not safe to believe everything that is available on the Internet.