Bollywood actor Imran Khan treated his fans and followers with some throwback pictures from the shoot of rom-com, Mere Brother Ki Dulhan which co-starred Katrina Kaif. In the caption of his post, he wrote, ““Once upon a time, there was no Instagram… so people used an app called Hipstamatic to add retro effects to their photos! Here’s some retro pics from the sets of MBKD, along with a story; I remember working some wild double shifts for the song ‘Do Dhaari Talwaar’. It was shot over 4 consecutive night shifts, while I was also spending the day shifts shooting the music videos for ‘Nakkaddwaley Disco’ and ‘Switty’ from Delhi Belly at the same time! I would sleep in my car, while being driven between the two sets. Hectic, but totally worth it.”
Take a look at Imran Khan’s Instagram post
In one of the pictures, the actor can be seen holding a Badminton racket sported with official dress of the game. In another picture, Kat can be seen holding a guitar while in another picture, the actress is striking a pose with the Taj Mahal. In the last picture, Imran can be seen donning an elderly avatar which is probably from Nakkaddwaley Disco.
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