Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma met the media at the BJP state headquarters on Tuesday. During this, he fiercely targeted Rahul as well as the entire Gandhi family. Also, he termed the statements being made by the Congress regarding Baba Saheb Bhimrao Ambedkar as wrong.

The Chief Minister said that Congress is the party which had worked to defeat Baba Saheb Ambedkar in the elections. Now the same party is pretending. The Chief Minister said that the opposition should play its role, but they are not doing so. The issue they are carrying forward should have been raised after independence. The country’s first law minister Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar has worked to bring forward the person sitting in the last row.

Bhajan Lal said that BJP is working on the vision of Baba Saheb. Along with the center, wherever there is a BJP government, they are working with the spirit of Antyodaya. He said that Congress insulted Baba Saheb and made fun of him. Baba Saheb did not resign from the post of Law Minister, but his resignation was taken. If Congress is so truthful then it should present a copy of Baba Saheb’s resignation.

The Chief Minister said that Congress did not give a ticket to Ambedkar in the 1952 elections. After this, they did not give a ticket in 1954 also and when he contested the elections, they opposed him. Congress has done the work of defeating Ambedkar in the elections. Congress has built many memorials and schemes in the name of Jawahar Lal Nehru, Indira Gandhi, Sanjay Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi, while those who gave the Constitution to the country were given nothing.

The Chief Minister said that Baba Saheb was forced to resign by the Congress. Also, he was not even allowed to speak in the House. If Baba Saheb had resigned, then Congress should show Ambedkar’s resignation letter. The Chief Minister said that when Ambedkar resigned, the cabinet expressed happiness in this regard. In such a situation, Congress should tell what happiness Nehru had celebrated. He said that the Congress party was in power for a long time, but did not even give Bharat Ratna to Baba Saheb. The work of getting him Bharat Ratna was done by the government led by former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee.

CM Bhajan Lal Sharma said that when the Modi government came, Ambedkar Center was built in Delhi. Ambedkar House was built at the place where he lived in London. The Chief Minister said that when I went to London, I paid tribute to him. Whereas Congress did not do a single work. Congress has cheated the people of the country. Congress has always resorted to lies and loot and has done the politics of corruption.

Bhajan Lal Sharma said that Congress has presented the statement of the country’s Home Minister Amit Shah in a distorted manner. It is shameful to present a small part of Amit Shah’s speech in a wrong way. Congress has no issue. Congress has not talked about the development of the country. They never talked about the person standing in the last row. He said that Congress has become accustomed to the fact that it cannot live without power. They have to remain in power. There is this pain inside them that the way they have misused power, the people of the country have responded to it. The people of the country are watching all this. In the coming time, the people will respond to this even more. The Congress party is not doing the right thing by bringing a great man like Baba Saheb into politics in this way.

The Chief Minister said that the entire country saw the behavior of Rahul Gandhi inside the Parliament recently. Rahul made the MPs fall. We accept that he is young, but the way those MPs were humiliated and insulted is not right.

Rahul insulted women. Bhajan Lal Sharma said that Baba Saheb is the hero of the country. I would like to ask the Congress party to be ashamed that why did the Congress feel the need to bring Baba Saheb into the picture when he made the constitution of the country and worked to empower the people on social rights.