PDP chief and former J&K Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti has reacted to the recent decision of a special court rejecting the bail application of her party’s youth leader, Waheed Parra, who was arrested by CID wing of J&K police and has been in their custody.

She took to Twitter on Wednesday and said that without having any proper evidence, the court has rejected the bail of a political activist purely on the basis of accusations by police.

On Tuesday a special court, while rejecting the bail application of Waheed Parra, said that between the liberty of a person and the security of the state, the second one is more important. The court said that charges against Parra “were grave, serious and heinous in nature” and that a preliminary analysis of evidence collected so far showed that he was “aiding” militancy in Jammu and Kashmir in the garb of being a politician.

In her tweet Mehbooba said, “Worrying trend that bail is no more the rule but an exception, and an accused is assumed to be guilty without proof. Current state of affairs is such that under trials are jailed for months and even years languishing behind bars before charges are proven”.

It is in place to mention that he was first arrested by NIA and obtained a bail from NIA court on 9 January last month. The NIA had arrested Parra on 25 November last year in a terror-related case.