Member of Parliament Kartikeya Sharma on Wednesday said that media has a huge contribution in nation building. He said, “You can contribute your best in the development of the society through journalism, raise the voice of the needy and create a mandate by taking that voice to the common people.” 

The MP was addressing as the chief guest in the programme, organized on the occasion of National Journalism Day at Manav Rachna International University. 

Kartikeya Sharma said that the media never had any colour nor was it bound by any limit. “With the times it has changed, the challenges before the media have also increased. After electronic and print media now social media is also playing a big role. In such a situation, the challenge of credibility gets new dimension before journalism.” He said that during Covid pandemic, when newspapers were not published for several months, only social media was the choice before the common man for information. “In the era of social media, this branch of media faces a lack of credibility as many times misinformation is being spread. This obviously spread confusion in the society. In such a situation, once again the need for reliable media is felt.  Fortunately, people still have faith in the information of newspapers and channels. He said that before putting information on social media there is a need to check the content.”

On this occasion, Kartikeya Sharma also answered the questions of the students. He said that there are huge possibilities in the field of journalism today. He congratulated all the journalists on the National Press Day.  Vice Chancellor of Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies, Prof Sanjay Srivastava, Lt. Col. R.K. Anand, Executive Director Admission and Marketing Dr. Gauri Bhasin, Dean FMEH Maithli Ganju and students of the Journalism Department of the University attended the programme.