The media, according to Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot, “boycotted” the Bharat Jodo Yatra on Monday, a day after Rahul Gandhi, who has been heading the Congress’s Kanyakumari to Kashmir foot march, arrived in the state. He further intensified his criticism of the BJP by declaring that the party, which is currently in power at the federal level, “is very worried” about the grand old party’s initiative to strengthen its ties to the general public.

“Today, people are supporting the Yatra and so is (the) social media. But media (mainstream) continues to boycott it,” the Rajasthan Chief Minister said, sharpening his attack. “Our friends are sitting here. But you’re not at fault. You forward the details and information. But I want to ask those who are trying to block the coverage. Will you not show such a massive programme? Media is the fourth pillar of the state. This just is based on Rahul Gandhi’s positive thoughts. India won’t forgive you.”

“Is it not our duty?” he further asked, praising Rahul Gandhi as he said that he “is following the path of truth”. He also mentioned activist Medha Patkar’s participation in the foot march amid Gujarat elections, which had prompted attack from Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

On Sunday evening, the Bharat Jodo Yatra arrived in Gujarat after travelling more than 2,500 kilometres through seven states. According to Jairam Ramesh of the Congress, the remaining distance of the foot march—approximately 1,200 km—will be covered during the next weeks.

Following the Bharat Jodo Yatra, the party intends to conduct a “Hath se Hath Jodo” foot march beginning on January 26 under Gandhi’s direction. The party has emphasised that it will strengthen connections with young people.

Rahul Gandhi is currently in Rajasthan, weeks after Gehlot referred to Sachin Pilot as a “gaddar (traitor)” in an interview with NDTV, sparking a new crisis inside the party. However, it appears that the party’s disputes have been resolved, as both Gehlot and Pilot welcomed Gandhi on Sunday.