Union Home Minister Amit Shah, in a first-of-its-kind step in the country, on Sunday, launched the Hindi version of MBBS course books here. While launching it, Union Home Minister Amit Shah called the day a historic one which will be written in golden words in India’s history.
“Today is a very important day for the education sector of India. Whenever history will be written in the coming days, this day will be written in golden letters. Through the New Education Policy, PM Modi has given more emphasis to the mother tongue of students. This is a historic decision. Now under Modi Ji you can avail higher education in any language as per your comfort,” Shah said.
Madhya Pradesh is the first state to start the MBBS course in the Hindi language in the country. Initially, three subjects have been selected to be studied in Hindi which includes Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry. A team of 97 experts have been working on the preparation of books for the last 232 days at Gandhi Medical College, Bhopal. They have been translating the book from English to Hindi.
An expert involved in the project, “It was not an easy task but we prepared it in very easy language. We have prepared it so that it will be helpful in the studies of the students,” an expert involved in the translation told ANI.
The expert further said the new edition of Medical Biochemistry contains the application of some new chapters which include Sodium, Potassium, Water Homeostasis, Biochemistry Techniques, Radiation, Radioisotopes and Environmental Pollutants and Toxins.
Besides, several new line diagrams, tables and text boxes have been added to make information more memorable.
Similarly in the Anatomy edition, new chapters of surface anatomy have been added in both abdomen and lower limb sections. New line diagrams, CT’s and MRI’s diagram tables and flow charts are added to increase the retention of knowledge.
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