Amidst controversy surrounding BJP’s Manoj Sonkar’s victory in the Chandigarh mayoral polls, Aam Aadmi Party and Congress leaders raise questions. Former AAP Convenor Prem Garg condemns the outcome, alleging a violation of democratic principles akin to the day of Gandhiji’s assassination.
Garg criticises the BJP for compromising the sacred Constitution. Previously, both parties appointed a councilor as an election agent to oversee ballot paper checks and counting, ensuring transparency. However, Garg highlights irregularities in the recent election, involving Anil Masih, a BJP member and T-cell official, who assumed multiple roles in the process.
Masih, acting as judge and defendant, independently declared eight ballot papers illegal without explanation, sparking chaos. Garg notes the hasty removal and concealment of ballot papers after the announcement of the BJP candidate’s victory, raising suspicions of manipulation.
Media access was restricted, preventing cameras from recording the election process, but videos capturing potential irregularities circulated widely, exposing officials marking ballot papers. Garg condemns the BJP’s actions as treasonous, urging immediate action to restore public faith in democracy. He warns that accountability will eventually catch up, invoking the proverb, “In God’s house, there is delay but not darkness,” to emphasise that justice will prevail for the daylight robbery.
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