MUMBAI: The Sanjay Leela Bhansali magnum opus ‘Bajirao Mastani’ released five years ago on 18 December 2015. Deepika Padukone, who played Mastani, recalled working in the film saying the character was fuelled by her passion. Deepika posted a picture in her character alongside the filmmaker. “Whether in love or war, Mastani was fuelled by her passion, unafraid to write her destiny, no matter how perilous the path,” the actress wrote in the caption. She added: “She never bowed down and always stood her ground with a fierce dignity and a love so strong that its burning embers seared through every societal constraint, to join both her and her lover’s names, for all of eternity…. @ranveersingh @priyankachopra @bhansaliproductions #5YearsOfMastani #5YearsOfBajiraoMastani #BajiraoMastani.” The film also had Deepika’s husband Ranveer Singh as Maratha Peshwa Bajirao I and Priyanka Chopra as Bajirao’s first wife Kashibai. Deepika is awaiting the release of the criket drama ‘83’, and is also working in director Shakun Batra’s untitled next film.
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