The Mumbai Police Department has assembled a specialized four-person team, armed with cyber technology and financial crime expertise, to unravel the intricate web of the ‘Mahadev Betting App’ case. Targeting the promoters of the controversial app, Saurabh Chandrakar, Ravi Uppal, Shubham Soni, and 29 others, in connection with an alleged 15,000 crore rupee fraud, this explosive investigation was recently transferred to the Mumbai Crime Branch.
The Mahadev betting app case, which encompasses accusations of match-fixing, illegal hawala transactions, and cryptocurrency dealings, has thrust high-profile names like Dabur’s director Gaurav Burman and company chairman Mohit Burman into the spotlight. The FIR, initially registered at Matunga police station, paints a picture of a sophisticated betting syndicate operating remotely across India, pulling strings from abroad.
Social worker Prakash Bankar, the complainant in the case, claims that the scandalous affair has defrauded unsuspecting victims to the tune of Rs 15,000 crore. Allegations of hawala transactions and monetary irregularities further intensify the probe, as Mumbai Police aims to untangle the complex financial threads.
Meanwhile, the Directorate of Enforcement (ED) has joined the fray, unearthing a web of offshore operations and arresting four individuals connected to the Mahadev Book Online Betting App. With over Rs 450 crore in seized proceeds, the ED is leaving no stone unturned in its pursuit of justice. As the investigation unfolds, the shadowy connections between the betting syndicate and political manoeuvring during the Chhattisgarh Assembly Elections come into focus, adding a political twist to this high-stakes saga.
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