Masaba Gupta, the bold designer and actress, recently revealed the name of her daughter, Matara. Masaba and her husband, Satyadeep Mishra, had earlier announced the birth of their daughter on October 11 last year, but kept her face a mystery. In a simple yet meaningful post, Masaba revealed Matara’s name, which sparked curiosity, much like when Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli named their son Akaay.
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Masaba explained the meaning of the name in a post flaunting a customized bracelet, gold and diamond-studded, spelling out Matara’s name. She wrote, “The name carries the divine feminine energies of 9 Hindu goddesses, celebrating their strength and wisdom. Also, the star of our eyes.” The post also marked the three-month milestone of Matara’s arrival in their lives.
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While the meaning behind Matara’s name is now clear, what some might not know is how it’s tied to Masaba’s own unique name. Besides the phonetic similarity, Masaba’s name is of African origin, coming from the Swahili word for “princess.” In ancient times, “princess” was associated with regality, elegance, and feminine strength, a theme echoed in Matara’s name, which also honors the power and grace of femininity through the “divine feminine” energies of nine Hindu goddesses.