On Friday, an official trailer for the eagerly awaited action thriller ECHO was released. The trailer was shared on Instagram by the production company behind the series, Marvel Studios, with the message, “No bad deed goes unpunished. All episodes of Marvel Studios’ #Echo, a new Original series, streaming January 10 on @DisneyPlus & @Hulu. Set your Disney+ profile to TV-MA to stream. All episodes will be available on Hulu until April 9.
The trailer provided a gripping glimpse into the storyline and introduced Marvel’s first Native American and deaf lead. In addition, Deadline reports that the series ‘Echo’ has received a TVMA rating in its first season on Disney’s streaming service marking one of the first Marvel shows to do so.
Audiences were first introduced to Alaqua Cox as Maya Lopez in ‘Hawkeye’. In ‘Echo’, Maya finds herself in the crosshairs of Wilson Fisk, also known as Kingpin (portrayed by Vincent D’Onofrio), and his criminal empire. As Deadline reports, Maya will have to confront her own family and legacy as she returns home.
The series is set to start streaming on the popular OTT platform Disney+ Hotstar from January 10. ‘Echo’ represents a departure for Marvel Studios, with its grittier and more mature content, which is reflected in the TVMA rating.
Apart from Alaqua Cox and Vincent D’Onofrio, the cast includes Chaske Spencer, Graham Greene, Tantoo Cardinal, Devery Jacobs, Zahn McClarnon, Cody Lightning.
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