Maruti Suzuki India on Wednesday said it has recalled a total of 17,362 vehicles manufactured between 8 December 2022, and 12 January 2023. In a regulatory filing to the stock exchanges, the automaker said the affected models are Alto K10, S-Presso, Eeco, Brezza, Baleno, and Grand Vitara. “The recall is being undertaken to inspect and replace Airbag Controller (“affected part”), free of cost, if required in these vehicles,” it said in the filing. “It is suspected that there is a possible defect in affected part, which in rare case might result in non-deployment of the airbags and seat belt pretensioners, in the event of a vehicle crash.” Further, in the filing, the company advised customers of the suspected vehicles not to drive or use the vehicle till the affected part is replaced. Affected vehicle owners will be receiving communication from Maruti Suzuki authorized workshops for immediate attention.
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