Fulfilling Antyodaya’s dream, the Viksit Bharat Jansankalp Yatra Jansamvad reached Ward 3 of Panchkula on Wednesday, where a lot of enthusiasm was seen among the people. On this occasion, Mayor Kulbhushan Goyal participated as the chief guest in the program organized at Martyr Major Sandeep Sagar Government Model Senior Secondary School, Sector-7. He inspected the stalls set up by various departments and gathered information about the schemes related to the departments. He also interacted with the beneficiaries. Additional Deputy Commissioner Varsha Khangwal was also present on this occasion.
Addressing the program, Kulbhushan Goyal said that under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chief Minister Manohar Lal, the fortunes and picture of the country and the state have changed in the last nine and a half years. He mentioned that many new projects have been implemented for the development of Panchkula. Street lights in the city are being replaced with LED lights, which will not only make the city streets brighter than before but will also significantly reduce the corporation’s expenditure on electricity bills. This amount will be redirected by the corporation towards other development works. He stated that development works worth more than Rs 15 crore have been done in Ward 3.
Kulbhushan Goyal highlighted that special attention has been paid to the beautification of the city. He mentioned that regular cleanliness of the parks is being ensured. Additionally, garbage is being collected from people’s doorsteps and disposed of at a suitable place to ensure cleanliness and environmental protection.
Referring to various government schemes, he mentioned that Prime Minister Narendra
Modi has implemented the Ayushman Bharat Yojana, providing free medical facilities up to Rs 5 lakh to the poor and people belonging to the BPL category in government and private hospitals. This scheme has proven to be a boon for the poor. Under the Vikas Bharat Jansankalp Yatra, all departments are providing benefits of various schemes to the people in one place and addressing their problems. He urged people to participate in this yatra in large numbers and avail the benefits of the schemes. On this occasion, he distributed certificates to the beneficiaries of Old Age Samman Allowance, Ayushman Bharat, and Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana. Additionally, he administered the oath of developed India to the attendees.
Earlier, upon reaching the program, Ward No. 3 councilor Ritu Goyal welcomed the Mayor. Joint Secretary of Municipal Corporation Richa Rathi, DEO Satpal Kaushik, BJP District President Deepak Sharma, Ajay Sharma, General Secretary Virendra Rana, Councilor Jai Kaushik, Narendra Lubana, District Media Incharge Naveen Garg, District Coordinator of the Yatra Rajendra Noniwal, and SP Gupta, CB Goyal, and other dignitaries were present.