The Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann-led government in Punjab has unveiled a groundbreaking initiative aimed at fulfilling the aspirations of girls in the state. A special Center for Training and Employment of Punjab Youth (C-PYTE) camp will be established in Kapurthala exclusively for girls aspiring to join the armed forces, Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF), and the Punjab Police.
A crucial decision emerged during the 33rd executive board meeting of C-PYTE, chaired by Aman Aroda, the Minister of Employment Generation, Skill Development, and Training. The camp, situated in Teh Kanjla of Kapurthala district, will be staffed exclusively by women and will provide comprehensive training for recruitment into various security forces.
Minister Aman Aroda disclosed plans for C-PYTE to extend training to Punjab’s youth who have cleared the National Defense Academy (NDA) or Combined Defense Services (CDS) written exams, with the Service Selection Board (SSB) overseeing their preparation for armed forces officers’ cadre.
Additionally, the government, in a forward-looking move, will introduce armed security, fire-fighting, driving, JCB/Poclain operation, and drone operation training in C-PYTE camps statewide.
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