AAP leader and former Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia, along with party members, visited Raj Ghat in the national capital on Saturday. This visit followed his release on bail from Tihar Jail on August 9, after spending 17 months in custody related to the Delhi Excise Policy case. Accompanied by senior party leaders, Sisodia paid his respects at Mahatma Gandhi’s memorial at Raj Ghat. Earlier, he had also visited a Hanuman temple in the city.

Speaking about his experience, Sisodia remarked, “…These tears have given me strength… I was hoping for justice in 7-8 months. It took 17 months, but honesty and truth have prevailed…”

He further emphasized the urgency of political work, stating, “…I have come to work hard, not to take a break. From today, we must start preparing for the assembly elections… This fight against dictatorship is not just AAP’s or the opposition’s, but it is the fight of the people of India, and everyone must vote against dictatorship…”


Earlier in the morning, Sisodia shared a photo on social media, showing him enjoying his morning tea with his wife, which he captioned as “the first tea of an independent morning… after 17 months!” He expressed gratitude for the freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution, stating, “The freedom that the Constitution has given to all of us Indians as a guarantee of the right to live… The freedom that God has given us to breathe in the open air with everyone.”

Sisodia was arrested by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) in February 2023 for alleged irregularities in the now-scrapped Delhi excise policy. Following his bail on August 9, Delhi Assembly Speaker Ram Niwas Goel expressed his gratitude to the Supreme Court.