On Sunday, Manish Sisodia, the deputy chief minister of Delhi, shared an old video of Narendra Modi discussing the politicisation of the CBI while he was the governor of Gujarat. Sisodia tweeted, “Even seasons change slowly, but the wind is also surprised at your speed of change, sir” in reference to a well-known couplet. In the Delhi Excise Policy Case, the Delhi Minister is the subject of a CBI inquiry. He is the first accused in the case after the agency conducted a 16-hour raid on his home on Friday.
Narendra Modi criticises the politicisation of the CBI and the agency’s harassment of Gujarat ministers and officers in the video that Sisodia published. “If you don’t pay attention to what Narendra Modi has to say about CBI raids,” Sisodia said, “you’ll miss out on learning a valuable lesson.”
Sisodia attacked Prime Minister Modi directly on Saturday, declaring that the 2024 Lok Sabha election would pit Modi against Kejriwal. He asserted that the BJP’s goal is to defeat Kejriwal, who, as Sisodia noted, has emerged as a viable national alternative following AAP’s success in Punjab, not the alcohol policy or the alleged corruption. Sisodia claimed that when the opposition is in charge of the states, it does not serve Prime Minister Modi, who has the national mandate, to ‘conspire’ against them. Sisodia claimed on Saturday that despite the BJP’s “vendetta politics” against Kejriwal, he might be jailed in a few days.
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