Delhi’s Patiala House court on Tuesday extended the custody of accused Seiminlun Gangte for another 8 days. Seiminlun Gangte was arrested from Manipur in a case of violence due to the transnational conspiracy of the leadership of terror outfits based in Myanmar & Bangladesh. Gangte got arrested on Saturday in Manipur was brought to Delhi on transit remand. On Sunday, the court remanded Seiminlun Gangte to the National Investigation Agency for 2 days.
He was produced before the National Investigation Agency Special Court after 2 days of NIA custody. Special NIA judge Sachin Gupta today extended the custody for 8 days after hearing the submissions of the NIA and counsel for the accused. Also, the special court directed the agency to supply a copy of the FIR to the counsel for the accused. The special court has also allowed the counsel to meet him on alternate days in NIA custody.
It is alleged that Myanmar and Bangladesh-based terror outfit leadership hatched a transnational conspiracy to wage war against India. The NIA moved an application and sought 10 days of custody for the accused in the investigation of the case. During the hearing, the duty magistrate raised a query in relation to jurisdiction since it’s a matter of special act.
The public prosecutor then stated that custody would be granted until Tuesday so that the accused could be produced before the special judge. The FIA has registered a case under the anti-terror law, the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act, and other laws. Previously on July 19, 2023, the case was registered suo moto by the NIA in Delhi.
In an investigation it was revealed that Myanmar and Bangladesh-based militant groups have entered into a conspiracy with a section of militant leaders in India to commit incidents of violence with the intention of driving a wedge between different ethnic groups and to wage war against the Government of India.
The agency stated that, for this purpose, the terror leadership has been providing funds to procure arms, ammunition, and other types of terrorist hardware that are being sourced both from across the border and from other terrorist outfits active in the North Eastern States of India to stoke the current ethnic strife in Manipur. NIA stated that, further investigations in the case are in progress.
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