MUMBAI: Actor Mandira Bedi’s husband and filmmaker Raj Kaushal is no more. He was 49 when he breathed his last. Confirming the shocking news on Twitter, filmmaker Onir on Wednesday morning tweeted, “Gone too soon. We lost filmmaker and producer Raj Kaushal this morning. Very Sad.”

According to reports, Raj Kaushal breathed his last on Monday morning after suffering a heart attack. He is survived by wife Mandira, son Veer and daughter Tara. Several celebrities have paid their condolences to the late star’s family.

Actor Kubbra Sait took to Twitter and expressed grief after learning about the filmmaker’s demise. “It’s a sad day. Your optimism and love with linger Raj,” she wrote.Actor Rohit Roy penned an emotional note in memory of Raj Kaushal.“One of my oldest, closest friends passes by and I can’t even be there at the funeral…can’t even see him okie last time…can’t pay my respects in person…and people think an actors job is all cushy and fun! It’s the most unenviable job in the world at times… @rajkaushal1 RIP,” he tweeted, adding he is ‘numb with grief and shock’.cRaj Kaushal had helmed projects like ‘Pyaar Mein Kabhi Kabhi’ and ‘Shaadi Ke Laddoo’.