A 32-year-old labourer has been nabbed from Madhubani in Bihar where he fled after allegedly raping and murdering a six-year-old girl in Bhiwandi city in Thane district of Maharashtra last week, police said. The girl, a resident of Kamatghar area, went missing from her house on September 13. Her body was found dumped in a bucket the next day from the rented room of one Salamat Ali Alam Ansari, who went absconding, said Deputy Commissioner of Police, zone II, Navnath Dhavle. The girl was identified from the dress she was wearing and her sandals. Her postmortem report confirmed that she was raped, following which a case was registered under sections 302 (Punishment for murder), 376 (Punishment for rape) and the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act. Police formed three teams for investigation. Meanwhile, they received a tip-off that the occupant of the room had fled to Madhubani in Bihar, the DCP said. The accused Ansari was nabbed with the help of Bihar Police. The police officer said that Ansari had migrated to Bhiwandi recently and used to stay alone in the room. Preliminary investigation suggested that the girl was lured by Ansari with chocolates. ‘’Ansari was brought to Bhiwandi on Tuesday and other details will be known during interrogation,’’ the police officer said.
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